Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

TRANSFERABLE SKILLS FOR RESEARCHERS. Professional development in motion

30 Mag, 2022

L'evento inizia tra:

Piattaforma Teams
9:00 - 13:00
Relatore: dott. L. Salto, PhD E. Miniussi, PhD L. Settimi
Data termine: 30-05-2022
Dottorati di ricerca
Data termine iscrizioni: 24-05-2022 alle 12:00


The seminar will be held in English


Program dott.ssa Salto 

Project Officer Career Development Facilitator for PhDs UniTo
Topics:  transferable skills, career development also outside the academia and skills that make them attractive candidates also for the private sector employers.

 Interdisciplinary skills that enhance the workplace

A focus on:

- Communication
- Project Management
- Grant Acquisition and Fundraising
-How to commercialize your idea



PhD Eliisa Miniussi

My walk of life after my PhD in Nanotechnologies - how my PhD proved a joker in my career path After graduating in Condensed Matter Physics in Trieste 2010, I decided to pursue a further step in my education and apply for a scholarship from the Graduate School in Nanotechnology. My application was successful and I spent the next three and a half years in the SSL (Surface Science Laboratory) research group at the University of Trieste and Elettra, mainly working on the topic of graphene-based interfaces and nanoparticles. It turned out to be an intellectually stimulating, challenging experience, which deeply shaped my problem-solving attitude, my critical approach to the world, as well as my way of relating to other people -also outside academia. It was no bed of roses, I went through highs and lows, but I was constantly given the chance to work on cutting-edge scientific topics, to travel abroad for my projects and grow intellectually, always surrounded by a supportive, enthusiastic team of people I’ll be endlessly grateful to. After graduating in April 2014 with a PhD thesis by the title «Nanoscale properties of graphene–based interfaces», I initially decided to pursue an academic path by doing a postDoc at the Physics Department University of Zurich; after two years, however, I felt that the time was ripe for a life and career change and decided to switch to industry. Since October 2016 I have being working in the IT department of a private medical laboratory near St.Gallen (Switzerland), more precisely in the IT project management team. I am happy to say I love my work environment, my coworkers, and all the intellectual and interpersonal challenges I am exposed to every day. In my talk I would like to highlight how doing my PhD in Nanotechnology was a rewarding 3- year engagement, which made a substantial difference in my life and gave me better chances of success in my subsequent career, both inside and outside academia, than if I had left university after my Master degree. I hope my talk will concretely help younger students find their way in life and raise awareness of the great opportunities offered by a PhD.


PhD Tommaso Ramella

Developing and Transmitting Skills as an Italian High School Teacher of Humanities.

 Between 2014 and 2018, during my PhD in Ancient Heritage Studies at the Interatenaeum Ca’ Foscari University, I have been able to develop different academic skills that allowed me to finally graduate in Latin Philology with a thesis on an ancient small poem of Claudius Claudianus (IV a.C.). At the same time, I used the skills I was developing at the university to qualify for the teaching of Humanities at the Italian public high school, where I have been employed in 2017, before graduating, achieving the professional goal I had set for myself since I was a high school student. Since then, I have been teaching Latin and Italian Language and Literature to the students: my mission as a teacher has been to transmit to them the same skills I developed, training the young citizens to help them achieve in turn their academic and professional goals.