Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

Strumenti e tecniche di valorizzazione della ricerca universitaria. Prospettive internazionali e casi applicativi.

13 Dic, 2022

L'evento inizia tra:

Aula Caioli - I piano - ala dx - edificio centrale e Aula Bachelet ala sx (2a lezione)
14:00 - 18:00
Relatore: Piani, Escoffier, Jazbar
Data termine: 20-12-2022
Dottorati di ricerca
Iscrizioni: 11 / 24
Data termine iscrizioni: 09-12-2022 alle 18:00


13 dicembre 14.00-18.00- Bringing research results to the market: challenges and opportunities for industry-academia collaboration (Luca Escoffier) Seminar will be held in english

In this course we will understand concepts such as "technology transfer" and "open innovation", what "technology scouting" means and how it is implemented. We will talk about intellectual property and we will cover the world of patents which are among the most important intangible assets for companies and organizations.  We will talk about the different best practices for carrying out technology transfer operations, especially in the academic field and learn how to do open innovation at a company level and in the academic setting. We will try to understand how business etiquette can determine the good or bad outcome of a negotiation and we will try to change our way of thinking (and negotiating) to move from a person-centred approach to a holistic one.


15 dicembre 14.00-18.00 - proprietà intellettuale (G.C Piani) - lezione in italiano

The topic of intellectual property management and innovation processes is cross-sectoral. The focus will be both under the area of legal and economic protection and under the area of valorization strategies. The intersection of all these variables involves a not necessarily sequential approach and therefore the following will be examined, in particular: the legal profiles of intellectual property titles (patents, trademarks, know-how, design, copyright ...), the protection requirements, the duration, the national and international filing procedures (the Italian patent, the PCT , international extensions, nationalizations) and the international search report, the profile of the inventor and the ownership of the invention.

Insights on: patent prior art search and its various applications in the innovation process (freedom of operation); research databases (free or fee): application examples.


20 dicembre 14.30-16.30-  Patent research databases (Dott.ssa Sara Jazbar) Seminar will be held in english

Priority research and its different applications in the innovation proccess.

Patent research databases (free or fee): practical examples