Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

Innovazione e strategie di gestione della proprietà intellettuale. Ricerche banche dati brevettuali. Esempi pratici e applicativi - Innovation and Intellectual property strategies. Research in patent databases. Practical examples and application.

28 Gen, 2020

L'evento inizia tra:

Aula A e B p.t. edificio centrale
14:00 - 18:00
Relatore: Ph.D. C. G.Cristiano Piani - dott.ssa Sara Jazbar
Data termine: 18-02-2020
Dottorati di ricerca
Data termine iscrizioni: 27-01-2020 alle 18:00


Innovazione e strategie di gestione della proprietà intellettuale. Ricerche banche dati brevettuali. Esempi pratici e applicativi

Innovation and Intellectual property strategies. Research in patent databases. Practical examples and application.


AGENDA: 28 gennaio  (Aula A edificio A - pianoterra - edificio A - ala sx) orario 14.00-18.00

         4  febbraio  (Aula B edificio A - pianoterra - edificio A - ala sx) orario 14.00-18.00

         18 febbraio (Aula A edificio A - pianoterra - edificio A - ala sx) orario 14.00-16.00



The subject of intellectual property management and innovation processes is by its own nature multidisciplinary. During this course, the subject will be treated from different viewpoints: from legal protection to the economic management to the promotion strategies through activities of technological transfer. Keeping in mind that all these variables entail that the approach might not be sequential, we will examine in detail:


First sphere of program will be held in italian  (legal):

1-Intellectual property legal profiles (patents, brand, know-how, design, copyright…)

2-National and international deposit procedures and the international search report

3-The inventor in the public research institution and in the private company regarding legal ownership of the invention.


Second sphere of program will be held in italian  (economic):

1-Knowledge economy and value of the intangible

2-Terms and costs of the procedures (proof of concept, when, how and where to deposit)

3-Ways of evaluating the economic potential of a patent/technology


Third sphere of program will be held in english (strategic):

1-Priority research and its different applications in the innovation proccess.

2-Patent research databases (free or fee): practical examples


For the practical exercises, we recommend you bring your laptop, if possible.