Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

Health and Safety in workplaces

09 Giu, 2021

L'evento inizia tra:

Piattaforma Teams
14:00 - 16:00
Relatore: Dr Francesca Rui
Data termine: 09-07-2021
Dottorati di ricerca
Data termine iscrizioni: 07-06-2021 alle 14:00


The seminar will be held in Eng.


9 - 30 giugno

9 luglio

from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.

This course is designed to provide the main general measures to protect the health and safety of workers in the workplace, from work-related risks to work-related diseases. Prevention of occupational diseases and health surveillance will be explored with a focus on specific working areas. 

