Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

Academic English at the University of Trieste

17 Mag, 2019

L'evento inizia tra:

Aula D - Edificio principale - P.le Europa 1 - ala dx
9:00 - 13:00
Relatore: K. Peruzzo
Data termine: 14-06-2019
Dottorati di ricerca
Iscrizioni: 51 / 55
Data termine iscrizioni: 15-05-2019 alle 18:00


date: 17 - 24 - 31 maggio e 7 - 14 giugno



Articolazione e contenuto del workshop


  • General Introduction to Academic English; Writing Abstracts; Oral Presentations (slide preparation, delivery); Oral Presentations by participants with feedback from workshop tutor


  • Writing Skills: Word Order; Sentence and Paragraph Structure; Strategies for Clear and Effective writing


  • The Research Paper in English: Parts of the Research Paper: Introduction and Method Sections; Results and Discussion Sections


Participants will be asked to bring their own notebooks for class activities.