Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

10 Tips for Preparing a Successful Manuscript with an ACS Editor

15 Feb, 2022

L'evento inizia tra:

in presenza - Aula 2B (Edificio H3) - sede centrale
9:00 - 12:00
Relatore: Prof Fornasiero Paolo
Data termine: 15-02-2022
Dottorati di ricerca
Iscrizioni: 59 / 73
Data termine iscrizioni: 10-02-2022 alle 12:00


The seminar will be held in English

The interactive lectures will be dedicated to etic in research and how to prepare and submit a research paper. Personal experience as Editor of the ACS Catalysis, as co-author and reviewer will be used to discuss aspects related to how select the target journal, how to prepare the manuscript and the cover letter, how to suggest reviewers etc.