Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

10 Tips for Preparing a Successful Manuscript with an ACS Editor

26 Mag, 2021

L'evento inizia tra:

Piattaforma Teams / Edificio C11 aula A8 (in presenza max 10 iscritti)
9:00 - 12:00
Relatore: Prof. Fornasiero
Data termine: 26-05-2021
Dottorati di ricerca
Data termine iscrizioni: 24-05-2021 alle 12:00


please note: choose the option (in classroom or by videoconference)

The seminar will be held in English

The interactive lectures will be dedicated to etic in research and how to prepare and submit a research paper. Personal experience as Editor of the ACS Catalysis, as co-author and reviewer will be used to discuss aspects related to how select the target journal, how to prepare the manuscript and the cover letter, how to suggest reviewers etc.