Sportello del Lavoro - Università degli Studi di Trieste

10 Tips for Preparing a Successful Manuscript with an ACS Editor

17 Gen, 2020

L'evento inizia tra:

aula 2 A - 2 piano - Edificio H3
9:00 - 12:00
Relatore: Prof. Paolo Fornasiero
Data termine: 17-01-2020
Dottorati di ricerca
Data termine iscrizioni: 16-01-2020 alle 12:00



The seminar will be held in english

10 Tips for Preparing a Successful Manuscript with an ACS Editor 

The seminar provides indications and suggestions on how to prepare, submit and revise a scientific article, with particular reference to the situation of the American Chemical Society and to the direct experiences of the speaker as Editor of ACS catalysis