Logic and Philosophy of Science

ISSN 1826 - 1043


Logic and Philosophy of Science is an on-line philosophical journal published by EUT (University of Trieste).


Information on the journal

Aims and contents of L&PS

L&PS — Logic and Philosophy of Science is an on-line philosophical journal sponsored by the Department of Humanities (DiSU) of the University of Trieste (Italy). The journal promotes both theoretical and historical research in the philosophy of science and logic, without excluding any particular cultural perspective.

Topics welcomed by the journal include:

  • the theory of scientific knowledge and the analysis of the general methodological problems of science (such as scientific discovery, causation, scientific inference, induction and probability, the structure of scientific theories and their relations with empirical data);
  • the methodological and foundational problems of the different sciences, from the natural, to the biomedical, to the social sciences;
  • the problems related to the historical development of logic, in all its branches, and to the role of logical methods both in the general methodology of science and in the foundations of empirical and mathematical sciences;
  • the philosophical problems raised by the development of the cognitive sciences and the philosophy of mind, with particular attention to those results that are relevant for the analysis of scientific practice;
  • the epistemological problems related to Artificial Intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, and artificial life;
  • the problems in the sociology and the history of science that are relevant to the philosophical investigation of science;
  • the problems related to the ethics of science;
  • the questions related to the historical and conceptual development of the philosophy of science and logic;
  • the problems of the philosophy of language, with particular attention to those results that are relevant for logic and philosophy of science.