
Call for Case Study and Industry Papers

Theme: From Big Data and Big Information to Big Knowledge

Topics of Interest

We encourage submissions of high quality descriptions of interesting case studies, i.e., lessons learned from substantial implemented systems that build upon database, data streams, event processing, data privacy, data security, information retrieval, and/or knowledge management technology. Each case study should fit into one of the following categories:

  • New application
    Describe a novel real-world application; its design, implementation, and the results from evaluation with a substantial dataset; and the new insights, discoveries, obstacles, and lessons learned along the way, including what did not work, tradeoffs considered in design and implementation, challenges and obstacles in implementation and deployment, and remaining open problems.

  • New technology
    Describe the introduction of cutting-edge technology into an existing application; its design, implementation, and evaluation with a substantial dataset; and the new insights, discoveries, and lessons learned along the way, including what did not work, tradeoffs considered in design and implementation, challenges and obstacles in implementation and deployment, and remaining open problems. Applications that are not strictly new (e.g., predict which patients will have a bad reaction to this drug), but for which a substantial advance has now been made, fit into this category.

  • Incident
    Describe a noteworthy incident experienced with a substantial deployed system, how the incident was resolved, and lessons learned from the experience.

Submission and Review Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original case studies that have not been previously published, are not accepted to be published, and are not currently being considered for publication in any other conference or journal. Submissions do not need to be double-blind, i.e., authors' names and affiliations can be included in the submission if desired, but they are not required. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, as PDF files of 6-9 pages in length, formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates. Papers should be submitted through the CIKM 2018 online submission system. To facilitate review, each paper should state which of the three categories it falls into: new application, new technology, or incident.

The review process for these submissions focuses on identifying the case studies expected to be of most interest to the audience of practitioners in attendance. In addition, we also particularly welcome case studies that fit the CIKM'18 theme of big data, big information, big knowledge.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference before the final version submission deadline, and must attend the conference and present the case study as scheduled in the conference program. Substantial time will be available for describing and discussing each case study. Authors must also be available to prepare and present a poster about the case study as scheduled in the conference program. Work that is not presented at the conference by one or more of its authors may be removed from the ACM Digital Library and may be removed from the final version of the proceedings.

Case Study and Industry Paper Abstract Submission Deadline
Case Study and Industry Paper Submission Deadline
Case Study and Industry Paper Acceptance Notification
Case Study and Industry Paper Camera Ready Submission Deadline

All above deadlines are based on the Anywhere on Earth time.

For further information, contact the Case Study and Industry Chairs: cikm18pc.cs@gmail.com